ghg portal

GHG Portal Malaysia

The City Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Reporting System (GHGPortal) is developed by the Green Technology Applications for the Development of Low Carbon Cities (GTALCC) project which is under the purview of the Ministry of Environment and Water of Malaysia. The project is also supported by the Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia, United Nations Development Programme and Global Environment Facility.

The GHGPortal is designed to support Malaysian local authorities in reporting city-wide GHG emissions according to the requirements of the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC). The design of the system is based on CIRIS (City Inventory Reporting and Information System) developed by C40 Cities. The system is designed to automatically calculate greenhouse gas emissions and aggregate the data according to different sectors. Users will be able to use the system to benchmark their greenhouse gas emissions with other Malaysian cities and cities worldwide.

Screenshots of GHG Portal

National Low
Carbon Cities Masterplan
Executive Summary

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